(Readings expressed as a percent of full-scale value.)
Dimensions and configuration: See figure 1.
Full-scale ranges: See table I.
Length: 2 inches minimum.
Pointer deflection: 90° minimum.
Position influence: ±2 percent change of 60° rotation from normal operating position.
Accuracy: ±2 percent.
Overshoot: 40 percent maximum .
Response time: 2 seconds maximum.
Power consumption (loss) (at end scale deflection): 1 mA ±5 percent.
Microammeters and milliammeters: 150 mV maximum.
Ammeters (self-contained): 75 mV maximum.
Ammeters (external shunt): 50 mV ±2 percent with leads of 0.065 ± 0.010 ohms resistance.
High temperature cycling:
±4 percent.
±2 percent permanent change.
Temperature influence: ±1 percent change.
Exposure to extreme temperatures: ±3 percent permanent change.
Overload capacity:
Momentary overload: ±2 percent permanent change.
Sustained overload:
±1 percent temporary zero shift.
±1 percent permanent zero shift.
±2 percent permanent change.
Dielectric withstanding voltage: 3,000 volts rms.
Vibration, random drop and shock: Repeatability is not applicable for those microammeters below 100
µA ranges.