Dimensions and characteristics: See figure 1 and tables I and II.
Weight (including hardware): 0.044 pound (20 grams), maximum.
Diodes: When specified in table I, the indicators shall contain both transient suppression and steering diodes
internally connected as shown on figure 1.
Coil transient suppression: Applicable, when diodes are specified (see table II).
Transfer pulse length: A pulse length of 40 milliseconds or greater shall cause a fault indication. A pulse length
of 2 milliseconds or less shall not cause a fault indication.
Terminal strength:
Rigid type solder terminals:
Test condition A (3 pounds, minimum).
Wire type solder terminals:
Test condition A (3 pounds, minimum).
Test condition C (1 pound, minimum).
Random vibration: Test condition D, curve 1, 30 minutes test time; applies to all dash numbers.
Marking of solder terminals: The terminals shall be identified by number as shown on figure 1. The positive
terminal shall be identified by a red dot.
Extent of qualification: Qualification testing and approval of M83287/02-01 and M83287/02-52 shall be
sufficient to grant qualification approval for all indicators covered by this specification sheet.
Part or Identifying Number (PIN): The term Part or Identifying Number (PIN) is equivalent to the term part
number which was previously used in this specification. The PIN consists of "M" prefix followed by specification
sheet number, and the dash number (see table II) as shown in the following example:
"M" prefix and specification sheet number
Dash number (see table II)