49 CFR 173
General Requirements for Shipments and Packaging
(Copies of these documents are available online at
2.3 Non-Government publications. The following documents form a part of this
document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these
documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.
Cabinets, Racks, Panels, and Associated Equipment
(Copies of these documents are available online at https://www.eciaonline.org.)
2.4 Order of precedence. Unless otherwise noted herein or in the contract, in the event
of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this
document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and
regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
3.1 First article. When specified (see 6.3), a sample shall be subjected to first article
inspection in accordance with 4.2. The number of samples will be defined by the procuring
activity (see 6.2).
3.2 Diagnostic equipment capability. The diagnostic equipment shall detect and isolate
(see 6.4.3) intermittent faults, one hundred (100) nanoseconds or greater in duration, that may be
present in LRU/ WRA chassis/backplane circuitry and/or its wire harness. This testing would
typically be conducted on LRUs/WRAs and/or their wire harnesses that have demonstrated low
reliability and/or a repair history of No Fault Found (NFF) or quasi-NFF repair (e.g., cannot
duplicate (CND), retest OK (RETOK), beyond capability of maintenance (BCM), disassemble-
clean-reassemble (DCR), etc.).
3.3 Application. This diagnostic equipment shall interface with the input/output
connections such as connectors and terminal boards of a replaceable package of avionic
equipment or system (commonly referred to as LRU/WRA). The function of this diagnostic
equipment is to troubleshoot the LRU/WRA chassis/backplane conductive paths. The
LRU/WRA chassis conductive paths include all of the electrical components that transmit the
signal or power from the LRU/WRA input/output connections to the input/output connections of
replaceable packages (commonly referred to as SRA/SRU (shop replaceable assemblies/shop
replaceable units)) in the LRU/WRA. For chassis/backplane diagnostic troubleshooting, the
SRA is removed from the LRU/WRA. For SRA and/or entire LRU/WRA troubleshooting, the
designated automatic test equipment (ATE) shall be used.
3.4 Detail requirements. The diagnostic equipment shall comply with all the
requirements specified herein.
3.5 Material. The material used shall enable the diagnostic equipment to meet the
performance requirements of this specification.
3.6 Operating environment. The diagnostic equipment shall operate in benign
operational environments where the environmental conditions are controlled and protected.
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