3.10 Hazardous materials, ozone depleting substances and hazardous air pollutants.
3.10.1 Ozone depleting substances (ODSs). Title VI, Section 606 of the Clean Air Act
calls for the elimination of the production of Class I ODSs by December 1995 and Class II ODSs
by 2030 (with a 65 pecent reduction in production of Class II ODSs by 2010). No Class I ODS
(as defined in Title VI of the Clean Air Act) or material containing a Class I ODS as an
ingredient will be approved for use during any phase of the system's life cycle, which includes
manufacture, operation, maintenance, and disposal.
3.10.2 Hazardous materials. The diagnostic equipment shall not require the use of
hazardous or environmentally unacceptable materials throughout its life cycle, unless there is no
feasible alternative. Hazardous materials are those meeting one or more of the following
a. Regulated as a hazardous material per 49 CFR 173
b. Requires a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) per 29 CFR 1910.1200
c. Regulated as an Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS) per 40 CFR 355,
Appendices A and B
d. Regulated as a Toxic Chemical per 40 CFR 372.65
e. Meets or has the potential to meet the definition of hazardous waste, as defined by
40 CFR 261 Subparts A, B, C, or D, during end use, treatment, handling, packaging,
storage, transportation or disposal
f. Regulated as an Ozone Depleting Substance (ODS) per 40 CFR 82 Subpart A,
Appendices A and B
g. Identified in the Clean Air Act, Chapter 85, Subchapter I 7412 as a Hazardous
Air Pollutant (HAP)
3.11 Environmental characteristics. The diagnostic equipment shall meet the following
operating/non-operational environmental requirements.
3.11.1 Temperature and humidity. The temperature ranges and humidity limits for both
humidity of 95 percent (see does not include conditions of precipitation. Temperature, not operating. When tested in accordance with 4.5.6, the
diagnostic equipment shall meet the performance characteristics of 3.9 after having been stored
at non-operating temperatures of -20 to 71 °C. Temperature, operating. When tested in accordance with 4.5.6 the diagnostic
equipment shall meet the performance characteristics of 3.9 when operated at temperatures of 10
to 40 °C. Humidity (see 4.5.6). The diagnostic equipment shall meet the performance
characteristics of 3.9 where the relative humidity is 5 to 95±5 percent in the temperature range
of 10 to 30 °C. The diagnostic equipment shall be subjected to conditions where the relative
humidity is 5 to 75±5 percent in the temperature range of 30 to 40 °C, and where the relative
humidity is 5 to 45±5 percent in the temperature range above 40 °C. At temperatures below
0 °C, the humidity is uncontrolled, but the equipment shall meet the performance characteristics
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