Examples include test equipment for use in a fully-protected and environmentally-controlled
service area, such as a military depot level repair facility or industrial laboratory environment
(see 6.4.10). The diagnostic equipment shall meet the environmental characteristics of this
specification. Non-operating temperature shall be -20 degree Celsius (°C) to 71 °C; however,
-40 °C is desirable. Operational temperature shall be 10 °C to 40 °C.
3.7 Design and construction. Diagnostic equipment shall be constructed with parts and
materials designed to provide the specified performance, reliability, and service life under the
environmental and operating conditions specified herein. Static discharge control shall be
provided for protection of electronic devices during assembly and handling.
3.7.1 User interface. Diagnostic equipment shall be designed using an open-systems
architecture approach, including the use of commercially available non-proprietary software. An
open system is one that uses well-established, non-proprietary standards for interfaces, services,
hardware, software, and supporting formats (e.g., Microsoft Excel, LabVIEW, USB (Universal
Serial Bus), etc.). This enables components to be utilized across a wide range of systems, to
interoperate with other components on local and remote systems, and to interact with users in a
manner that facilitates portability.
3.7.2 Expandability. The diagnostic equipment shall facilitate test point expansion and
growth (see 6.4.1). The diagnostic equipment shall include 256 test points per modular unit and
be expandable to 1,280 tests points per 7U rack space (see EIA/ECA 310). The diagnostic
equipment shall be expandable up to 10,000 test points without loss of fault detection
performance capability. The final number of test points per modular unit and maximum test
points shall be specified and approved by the procuring activity (see 6.2.u).
3.8 System physical characteristics (see 6.6).
3.8.1 Size and weight. The individual diagnostic equipment components shall not
exceed the portability individual weight requirement of 35 pounds (16 kg) specified in
MIL-STD-1472. The equipment shall be able to be safely moved without handles if less than 11
pounds (5 kg) or with handles if greater than 11 pounds (5 kg). The individual equipment shall
be compatible with EIA/ECA 310 19-inch rack cabinets. The final size, weight, and EIA/ECA
310 compatibility of the diagnostic equipment shall be specified and approved by the cognizant
procuring activity.
3.9 Performance characteristics. Diagnostic equipment shall perform electrical tests to
determine the health and integrity of LRU/WRA chassis/backplane conductive paths or single
wire/wire harness.
3.9.1 Fault detection. The diagnostic equipment shall detect all faults for the targeted
classification category defined in 1.2 of this specification and identifying (see 6.4.3) the precise
defective path(s).
3.9.2 Fault detection rate. The diagnostic equipment shall detect a minimum of 95
percent of all intermittent opens and shorts.
3.9.3 Integrity of point-to-point (pin-to-pin) wiring measurements. The diagnostic
equipment shall verify test program parameters and output data (see 3.9.4) to indicate the number
of occurrences and identify the conductive path(s) in which intermittent faults have occurred.
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